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Attitude Arts Academy Tuition

Monthly tuition is based upon the number of classes the family is attending each week.  For example, if 1 child is taking 4 classes, or 4 children are each taking 1 class, the tuition would be the same for the family.  Our tuition is an all-inclusive amount, which includes monthly tuition, and dance costumes or requirements for each class for the Christmas Performance and End of Year Recital. Tuition does NOT include Tae Kwon Do uniforms ($55) or testing fees ($45/semester), or tickets to performances:


The tuition scale is as follows:


  • 1 Class per Week.................................................................................................................................................$45.00/Month

  • 2 Classes Per Week...............................................................................................................................................$70.00/Month

  • 3 Classes Per Week...............................................................................................................................................$90.00/Month​

  • 4 Classes Per Week.............................................................................................................................................$100.00/Month

  • 5+ Classes Per Week........................................................................................................................................ $20/Month/Class​

After School Arts Program -ASAP

The After School Arts Program is available for children in kindergarten-5th grades, from any school. Students attending Richlands Elementary School will receive after school pick-up at no extra charge.  This program is limited to 15 students, and they will have the opportunity to participate in up to 10 arts classes each week. They will also receive homework assistance and tutoring services, are eligible for our snow day and early dismissal camps, which ensures reliable childcare at no extra cost. Students enrolled in this program are not eligible for discounts on tuition. 


  • ASAP Tuition..................................................................................................................................................$150/Child/Month

Fees & Additional Expenses

The following fees may occur during the year:


  • Christmas Recital Tickets.................................................................................................................................$5/Ticket (Ages 5+)

  • End of Year Recital Tickets.............................................................................................................................$10/Ticket (Ages 5+)

  • TKD Uniform........................................................................................................................................................................$55

  • TKD Belt Testing........................................................................................................$45/Belt, Average testing 1 time per semester

  • Private Lessons...........................................................................................$80/Month/Discipline - 5% discount for multiple lessons

  • Instrument Rental Fee..........................................................................................................................................$150/Instrument

    • Rental Contract is from August 23-June 10

    • $125 will be returned if the instrument is returned in the same condition

    • Damaged instruments will receive a lower reimbursement

    • Instruments broken beyond repair, or not returned, will forfeit their full rental fee, in order to replace the instrument. 


A limited number of needs-based scholarships are available, and no student wishing to learn will be turned away from the Attitude Arts Academy for the inability to pay. 


Please contact Emily Noonan, Executive Director, for a scholarship application.

© 2013 Attitude Arts Academy






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