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After School Arts Program

About our ASAP Program:
The Attitude Arts Academy is excited to offer our After School Arts Programs (ASAP)!  This daily program, is offered at a discounted rate of $150/month/child, and provides children with a safe place after school, where learning is encouraged, and fun is guaranteed. ASAP is available for 15 students, ages pre-k through 8th grade. Students enrolled at RES will receive after school pick-up. Students not attending RES should arrive at AAA by 3:45PM. These students may participate in up to 10 structured arts classes per week. All costumes, shoes, and uniforms are included in the cost. Parents may opt to purchase their own items, if preferred. Not included in the cost is Tae Kwon Do belt testing, which is $45 per belt (approximately 1-2 belts per school year), and tickets to performances ($10/ticket).

ASAP Daily Schedule:
3:10PM - Pick-Up from Richlands Elementary School and Walk to Attitude Arts Academy
3:15PM - Tutoring & Homework Help / Free Play for Students without Homework 
4:00PM - Structured Class / Free Play / One-on-One Tutoring (if needed or requested) 
4:45PM - Structured Class / Free Play / One-on-One Tutoring (if needed or requested)

5:30PM - Parent Pick-Up (6:15PM on Thursdays if the student opts in to Tae Kwon Do Class)

TCPS Early Dismissal Camp:
If TCPS dismisses early for weather or other events, the AAA staff will pick-up students at the time of dismissal, and they may remain in the care of AAA until our regular 5:30PM dismissal time. 


© 2013 Attitude Arts Academy






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